Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Round Pen Fun

I have never been in a round pen and am not sure if Sonny has either. We have been playing a lot at liberty lately, but I think a round pen would really help us. Since real ones are expensive and we can't play outside anyways, Evan made us a great temporary one right in the indoor! He used cones, reflective posts, and some kind of caution tape (that is pink and doesn't say caution).

We didn't mess with it for too long, but of course Sonny was brilliant. It was great to see how many laps he could maintain with me in neutral. The best part was he even maintained some trot circles close to me, without following the round pen rail!

After we played a bit with the circling game, I took him out of the round pen, wanting our first round pen experience to be short and sweet!

We then played with a bit of figure 8's, and those were the best we have ever done. I have been trying to do them with the least amount of pressure on my featherline as possible (in preparation for liberty!) and he did fantastic! 

After that, we practiced with some sideways at a distance. I have been trying to improve my savvy by playing the games as far away as possible. His sideways gets a little slower at a distance, but is definitely improving! 

I ended after that because I needed to go home and study, but overall we had a really good night :). Thanks to Evan and Melissa for the round pen and the photos!

1 comment:

  1. He is looking so athletic these days :) Congrats on your figure 8 success! You two are going to make so much progress this year. I see level 3/4 on the horizon.
