Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blogoversary Giveaway!

Today marks the one year anniversary of my first blog post! Hurray!

In honor of everyone's support (no matter how big or small), I am going to be holding a raffle! There will be two winners: the first place winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to the Parelli shop!

The runner up will receive a pink savvy string in honor of breast cancer awareness month!

Photo courtesy of Parelli Natural Horsemanship, Inc. 

Here is how you enter:

  • You can enter the raffle by doing one or both of the following:
    • Commenting on one of my blog posts (either upcoming or old, it doesn't matter!) will get your name 'in the hat' 1 time per comment. 
    • Sharing a link to my blog (and sending me a screenshot or telling me where you posted it) will get your name 'in the hat' 2 times per share. 
  • You can get 'your name in the hat' up to 5 times; any submissions after your 5th will not count
  • To clarify, you may use either or both of the options to get as many opportunities to win as possible! 
  • The deadline (you must have your comments posted and your 'share' entires submitted) by November 4th, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. 
If you comment on a post, be sure to include your name or some way for me to identify you (anonymous posts will not be recorded). 

How it works:
Every time you comment on a post, or inform me where you shared my link, I will give you a number. For one comment, you get one number. For one share, you get two numbers. Those numbers will be recorded then entered into a random number generator, for which I will 'draw' two numbers. The first number will get the gift certificate and the second number will get the pink savvy string!

Just a note: there might be an extra something for the person with the best 'share' ;). Blogger lets you keep track of where your views come from, so if someone posts my link somewhere that draws a lot of attention, I will make it worth your while! 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Best of luck to everyone! 

The link the share my blog: 


  1. Super idea and thanks for the opportunity!!!! Have a savvy day:) P.S Can you take off your word verification for us to leave a comment???

  2. I would LOVE to win! I so want to try Parelli on my two new Arabians, but I have to admit that the prices are a bit prohibitive. That $25 gift certificate would really help!

    Melissa - black_unicorn11 (at)

  3. I shared this on my art business's Facebook page -

  4. I am a HUGE fan of the blog and of YOU!!!!! Thanks Emily for your help with your fabulous posts. They come right to my e mail so I don't always comment but I READ EVERY ONE of them.


    Heather Bjerke

  5. Hi Emily,

    I just shared your blog on Facebook. I hope that is OK :-)

    Heather Bjerke

  6. Great idea Emily! I'm so proud of you and Sonny. You have a great relationship. Positive, Progressive and Natural.. you've got all three ingredients. No doubt you two will go far!
    Laura Beaver, Parelli Professional

    1. Thanks so much, Laura. That means a lot to me!
