Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lick & Chew

Yesterday a friend from the barn rode Sonny. It was a really neat to see someone else ride him and I think it was a great experience for us all!

I explained phases to her and how to not 'kick 'em to go and pull 'em to stop'. It was definitely a new concept to her, but from her dressage background she understood how it worked. She played with walk transitions and follow the rail while I explained some theory to her. She mentioned that Sonny didn't want to walk in a straight line so I talked about reverse psychology and "here let me help you!" So she turned and twisted and turned and twisted him and didn't let him walk in a straight line. After doing that for a little while he walked perfectly straight so I told her to stop him as a reward. I started to explain how pressure motivates, but the release teaches and I think that gave her something to lick and chew on! Both of us came from dressage backgrounds and are both LBE around horses, so I completely understood when she said if you get a few good steps of half pass, you ask for a few more and a few more and without realizing it you never reward the horse. I went on to explain the important of giving them time to think, which comes as a lick and chew. As I kept talking, Sonny was, in a very extroverted manner, licking and chewing. It went on forever! We talked and talked and he licked and chewed and chewed and chewed. It was so funny!

It was very....exciting/rewarding/motivational to see the concepts of natural horsemanship made an expereinced rider lick and chew. Most of the time people who have ridden all their life blow off Sonny and I, calling what we do "tricks" and never giving us a second look. It really meant a lot to me that she even gave me the time of day, was interested, asked questions, and tried so hard with Sonny. Definitely brought a huge smile to my face!!

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