Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hunt the Jump

On Saturday Sonny and I participated in our second ever hunter pace! Just like the first one, it was a blast!

It was the annual halloween pace so we dressed up! Sonny and I were bumble bees and my friend Katie was Dr. Who with her horse being the Tardis. I think our costumes looked great!

I loved how the ribbons in his mane turned out!

The pace was LONG. We did the moderate and the slow pace; the ideal time was 53 minutes for 6 miles! We got pretty close to that and ended up placing second :).

A dirty and VERY tired Sonny! 

Sonny was very good! He was a lot more forward this pace and not as well behaved as the last one, but he was so much better jumping! He jumped everything I pointed him at (except the very last one...go figure!). He even jumped some pretty big logs! What a good boy :). I am so impressed that for one he was jumping as much as he did and for two he jumped so many big things! It is hard to imagine that just a few years ago he had no idea how to jump and just two months ago he was spooking at longs and he is now soaring over big tree trunks! He is such a superstar.

He wasn't going to jump this, then did. Caught me off guard,
hence the position. Whoops! ;) At least he looks great! 

For those of you who might be interested, here is a helmet cam video from the pace! It is not me, but you can still see the jumps and all!


  1. That's so badass! I wish they had stuff like that in my area! High five for you and Mr Sonny!

  2. Love the costume!! Is the lime green halter Parelli?

    1. Thanks!

      It sure is! I know it clashes with the yellow but my other options were purple or blue so it seemed most fitting LOL!
