Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Only Sonshine

Sonny came with his name. When I first bought him, I had intentions of changing it. There are about a billion horses named Sonny in the world and I can't stand overly common names. Someone suggested I call him Phantom because of the way his face is half white (from Phantom of the Opera). I really liked the idea, but once I got to know him I realized Sonny fit well. Phantom was just too serious...Sonny (being a typical LBI) is so comical and mischievous, his name fits great.

He has acquired many nicknames over the two years that I have owned him, but Sonshine is by far my favorite. It always makes me think of the song "You Are My Sunshine", which makes me so glad that I never changed his name.

He truly makes me happy when skies are grey, more so than anything else. I had such a terrible day today, but ended it by spending some time reading in his stall. I threw him some hay and listening to him munch (one of my most favorite sounds) while I read. It is the most relaxing thing ever, even on a chilly night. He would take pauses from eating and come say Hi. He would rub his snot all over me or lick the pages or try to eat the cover of the book, but it's okay with me (as long as the owner of the book doesn't notice the hay in the binding!).

Whenever I have a bad day, just seeing him always puts a smile on my face. No matter what has happened, I can always count on him to make me happy again. It's funny how an animal without words can do more for me than a conversation with a person. Maybe it's his innocents, or maybe it's his silly little gestures that always ignite happiness within me. Or maybe it's his ability to forgive and forget that makes me so willing to let things go. Or maybe it's just the snot in my chewed up hair or the dirt on my cheek or those big old lips, always searching for a kiss, that remind me of the never-ending affecting that I will always have and how truly lucky I am to be a part of it.

He'll never know how much I love him, or how grateful I am to have him in my life.

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